Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Friend in Need Is Friend Indeed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Friend in Need Is Friend Indeed - Essay Example Broken houses and schools, gaping cracks in the land, blocked tracks with land slide and the stench of human flesh when you pass through an area, where there "used to be" a settlement, were the sights which had for the time being overpowered the beauty of the Nature. During John's initial deployment, while driving through the area seeing dead bodies of men, women and children, half visible and half buried in the debris of the accommodation, which they once thought to protect them from the hazards of weather, were a common site. John could not realize the beauty of the area due to these gory sights for almost six months. Then he was provided with an assistant Akbar. He was a local lad. 30 years of age, 5 ft 7, thin built, fair complexion and a sea of wretchedness in his eyes. Eyes do really say a lot. It was as if there had also been an earth quake in the eyes of Akbar which demolished all the foundations on which the palace of hope of better life is built. John noticed that his eyes only sparkle when they suddenly starts getting wet, sometimes talking with him and at times just sitting beside him looking around when they were driving through the area. John was sure that Akbar was the one whose life had been permanently and irreversibly shaken by the earth quake almost a year back. John was not sure how many times he wanted to ask about the back ground of Akbar. There were many questions keep coming to his mind. Did Akbar lose his loved ones in the earthquake How he thinks about the life now How he is managing his shock Does he require help Was there any way John can help him Was there any way he can bring back the sparkle in his eyes which was a common thing in any one's eyes who longs for life There seem to be thousands of more questions coming in the mind of John. All these questions keep on resonating in his mind, urging him to inquire, pressing him, teasing him and always making him feel as if his mind is occupied. Initially they come one by one, one questi on leading to another then another then another but soon their speed increase and they follow with such speed that John loose their comprehension and then they all merge into one big question "Should John ask Akbar about his past" Always there used to be two answers, one part of John saying "Yes" because Akbar was his partner and knowing his past was his moral obligation. The other part saying "No" as it will remind Akbar about his grief, increasing the dampness and quietness in his eyes and character. Which part to hear And which part was right Was not yet decided by John. On 20 April 2007, John along with Akbar was moving in the area on a jeep. It had just stopped raining. Both were sitting quietly. John was driving and enjoying the local beauty, it seemed that entire area had taken a bath and was looking fresh and pompous. While moving on the track, on one side were the mountain and the other 20 feet down below a stream flowing. The noise of stream could be heard as soon as the rain stopped as if it was requesting the clouds to give more of its basic ingredient. Every now and then the rain starts pouring down heavily (as if fulfilling the request of stream) and making sound on the roof of the jeep to an extent that John and Akbar could not talk, if at all they tried. But Akbar was not at all interested in talking as always. Giving short and crisp answers to any inquiry made by John. As they

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Breastfeeding is better for your baby Essay Example for Free

Breastfeeding is better for your baby Essay Among the many decision a woman faces when she is pregnant, is whether or not she will breastfeed her child. In our society and in this day and age, this has become a matter of choice as opposed to long ago where formula was nonexistent and the only means of nurturing your baby was to breastfeed. Many women are oblivious to the health risks their baby may endure having not being breastfed. Research and studies show that babies who are breastfed have better health among other things if they are breastfed. To add to that, formula companies tend to obscure the truth and bribe the doctors in to promoting their product. This essay aims to investigate these issues and address the matter at hand by stating why it is a much better choice to breastfeed a baby. As I mentioned above, whether or not a women wants to breastfeed or formula feed is now a matter of choice. Before I move forward, I want to explain about the history of breastfeeding and formula feeding. Before the modern era, breasfeeding was usually the normal procedure for feeding an infant. If a woman had problems breastfeeding her baby, the family would usually hire a wet nurse to nurture the baby in place of the mother. This was considered very normal. As a matter of fact, wet nurses were chosen with the utmost care, because it was vital and essential for a baby to receive the right amount of nutrients. Another alternative to wet nurses was cow’s milk, or in correct terms the process of â€Å"dry nursing† was established. Wet nursing and dry nursing were the common alternatives to breastfeeding during the early 19th century. However, in the turn of events another breast milk substitute had evolved. Formula had been created and was in lieu of breastfeeding. One of the biggest known named companies of today, Nestle was a big contributor to the establishment and creation of formula. Add another century, and formula feeding is not considered the norm in many societies. Because formula is widely accepted as a means of nurturing a baby, production of formula has boomed and many formula manufacturers thrust to advertize their product. Because of this, many doctors have received a cut for promoting formula from these major manufacturers. While the new mother who has just given birth to her baby feels that formula feeding is better since the doctor recommended it, little does she know that the doctor is doing what he was endorsed to do. Could this mean that many doctors are withholding the truth for money? It may very well be and I will further discuss this issue. According to studies done in the US, fewer than half of the babies are exclusively breastfed during their first two days in the hospital. By the time they are six months old, only 19 percent of US babies receive any breast milk† (Coburn, 2000, 1). This is in large part due to the doctor’s orders. Little do these mothers know that the doctors are pushing formula products on these new mothers because they are obliged to do so under a contract. Coburn also states â€Å"To promote artificial feeding, formula manufacturers spend millions of dollars securing exclusive distribution deals for formula samples, at a yearly average of $6,000 to $8,000 per doctor† (p. 2). Many formula companies distribute their products to hospitals to advertize their formula. It is a form of bribery, because if you give the doctors and physicians money they will without a doubt encourage the recommendation of that particular product. Or in some instances, mothers are given a gift basket upon delivery of their new baby. This gift basket has formula in it. In doing this â€Å"research shows this tacit endorsement of the hospitals part is so effective in establishing brand loyalty that 93 percent of mothers who artificially feed continue to use the brand of formula given to them by the hospital† (Coburn, 2000, p. ). There is a lot of brainwashing going on just for a buck. Since these mothers are now formula feeding instead of breastfeeding they begin to see the effect on their income. It is much more costly than breastfeeding. Some mothers even dilute their formula to make it last a little longer before going out and buying some more. This in turn is very nutrition-depleting. I will elaborate further on nutrition, but in the end these formula manufacturers are competing not with their rival companies, but with breastfeeding itself. And because of this, many mothers are caught in the middle of this war not aware that breastfeeding is the best means to nurture her baby. As mentioned above, breastfeeding is the natural way to nurture a baby. It is also better for the baby and there are many studies to prove this. Breastfeeding does help prevent a number of sicknesses a baby may endure. As mentioned by Laura Sterling a pediatrician â€Å"I discuss the impact of breastfeeding on incidence of otisis, media, asthma, obesity and all-cause diarrhea. I also counsel that breast milk may decrease severity of diarrhea because it is much easier on the digestive system than formula† (Sterling, 2003, p. 3). Obesity as Sterling mentions has also been decreased when a child is breastfed rather than formula fed. If a baby is breastfed for at least 3-5 months, obesity in the US will reduce 35 %. Carol Campbell states â€Å"infants who were fed breast milk more than infant formula milk, or who were breast fed for longer periods, had a low risk of being overweight during older childhood and adolescence† (2000, p. 102). If we look at breastfeeding on a global perspective, around the world breastfeeding is encouraged as well. In Bangladesh for example, infant mortality rates are severely high. Penny Van Esterick states that any decrease in breastfeeding would definitely increase infant mortality (2003, p. 57). Also, many countries around the world that use water to create the formula aren’t aware of the toxins the water may contain, thus making the baby very sick. A mother passes on various nutrients to her child when she breastfeeds, something that artificial milk does not do. A random study also concluded that when babies’ breastfeed they are more likely not to experience pain while undergoing minor procedures. We can also look at breastfeeding from an anthropological standpoint. Anthropologist Shannen L. Robson stated â€Å"For most pormate species the period of accelerated growth ends shortly after birth, but for humans it continues for a year postnatally, when infants are nutritionally dependant on breast milk. A pattern of early postnatal brain growth that is unique among mammals must require a unique milk to supply the needs of the developing human infant (2004, p. 19). So as we may see, there are many benefits, an infinite amount of studies concluding that breastfeeding is much better for a baby as opposed to formula feeding. Concluding my essay it is evident I am pro breastfeeding. It is much healthier for your baby as studies are there to prove this. Not only that, it is eye-opening to know that doctors withhold telling their expecting mother patients that breastfeeding is the better choice all for the means of gaining more money. It is also interesting to note, that women who breastfeed are more likely to lose more weight effectively than their formula feeding counterparts. Who doesn’t want to lose weight after giving birth? It is much more advantageous to breastfeed, especially when it is 2 in the morning and your newborn is crying their lungs out because they want to be fed. I think getting up picking up your newborn and breastfeeding them is much better than having to warm and prepare the formula in a zombielike state.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Models of Policing

Models of Policing The first police force was created in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel; he created 17 metropolitan police divisions in London. By 1856 the rest of the country was required to establish a police force. Since then, many different models of policing have been developed and experimented with, developments in policing and crime control were fairly rapid during the 1990s, this is due to many reasons such as; changing patterns of crime, changing demands on the police, and changing expectations of the police and their role in communities. The two models of policing that will be outlined and discussed in this essay are the Problem-Oriented policing model and the Intelligence-Led policing model. They each differ from one another substantially and across a range of dimensions, they differ in means and ends, methods and priorities, techniques and successes. However, they do also share some common features in their methods despite differing in the reasons for doing so. The Intelligence-Led policing model is home grown from the United Kingdom, it draws upon the notion that the police can and do know a great deal about offending patterns. It addresses the supposed failure of the police to address the systemic sources of crime and patterns within crime. The main thought is that the police and should actively pursue information about criminals and their organisation (Tilley 2003). The Audit Commission (1993) prescribed a proactive approach, targeting the criminal not the crime and making more use of intelligence. Carrying out this proactive approach involves effectively sourcing, assembling and analysing intelligence about criminals and their activities to disrupt their offending. Done so by targeting enforcement and patrol where the activity is the most common (Tilley 2003). The core emphases of the Intelligence-Led policing model are; the focus on crime alone, the means used are enforcement and the disruption of criminal groups; these measures are ai med at reducing the problem by undermining the ability of criminals to do their business. These activities are informed by the intelligence gained from the analysts about understanding the business of the criminals; all organisations involved are enforcement agencies in order to successfully aid the focus of this method. It is enforcing the practical business of policing more smartly, using information technology and modern methods (Tilley 2003). The Problem-Oriented policing model however, is more of a global movement with American origins. It embraces an analytic approach which takes community concerns seriously whilst developing strategic responses that aim to deal effectively with issues underlying police-relevant community problems, the origins of this method lie within the work of Goldstein (1979). It incorporates an explicit conception of the nature and role of modern policing, with officer imagination, local discretion and community resources being used where it is relevant to do so (Tilley 2003). The Problem-Oriented policing model also stresses substance and effectiveness over process and style, it is pre-dominantly evidence based. Goldstein outlines several purposes of this method of policing, they are; to prevent and control conduct which threatens life and property, to aid victims and protect those in danger of physical harm, to protect constitutional guarantees, to facilitate the movement of people and vehicles, to assist those who cannot care for themselves, to resolve conflict between individuals, groups or citizens and their government, to identify problems which may escalate for individuals, the police or even the government and to create and maintain a feeling of security in the community (Goldstein 1977, described in Scott 2000). The aim is to achieve these said purposes by systematically addressing relevant problems in the community; the identified problems should then be thoroughly researched and understood. Relevant responses should be identified and targeted on the basis of this analysis (Tilley 2003). Already it is clear that there are differences in the focus points of both models; however a common factor between these models is the use of analysis, intelligence and computers. Both the Intelligence-Led policing model and the Problem-Oriented policing model use these new methods due to the issue that criminality is becoming more sophisticated and mobile, the identification of patterns is beyond the capability of localised, informal methods of identification (NCIS 2000). Therefore, up to date intelligence allows for speedy well targeted interventions in an ever-changing society of criminals and varying criminal organisation (Tilley 2003). Computers are used as they enable better management of the flow of information that the police receive about criminals, their behaviour and organisation (Tilley 2003). Through this, smarter action can be taken to control them through deterrence, disruption, arrest or incarceration, as the information is organised and easy to access; it is easier a nd quicker to create an operation to take down criminals. The improved quality of the analysis is due to the improved quality of the intelligence systems. Both of the models of policing heavily rely on analysing data. Analysis converts raw information into actionable intelligence by seeking patterns in crime data, seeing the similarities in criminal events and constructing profiles (Cope 2004). It offers a synthesis of data about crime that is developed out of context (Peterson 1990) and also provides the opportunity to rationalise policing (Manning 2001). The two models of policing require specialist analysts, these analysts make much more systematic use of information and often call for information collection as well as use of information already at hand (Tilley 2003). Although both policing methods use analysis, the information which they seek is different. The analysis method has sound foundations within the principles of Problem-Oriented policing (Goldstein 1979). The focus on information collection is on problematic patterns of behaviour that produce police-relevant problems for the community and on plausible points of intervention to reduce them, remove them or prevent the harm cause by them (Clarke and Eck 2003). The analysis tends to focus on enduring problems that are not responsive to standard forms of policing, therefore its focus spans relatively long periods and relatively wide spaces so that there is much more data readily available from records (Tilley 2003). It calls for the close specification of problems and the problem along with its analysis comes first. Analysis is also integral to the theory of the Intelligence-Led policing model. It is on a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"need to knowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ security principle (NCIS 2000). The process of this model exemplifies concerns with identifying, prioritizing and intervening to minimise risk. Intelligence can be understood as information developed to direct police action (Cope 2004). The Intelligence-Led policing model is fed by intelligence products, of which there are four types; firstly strategic assessments, these provide a longer term picture of trends possibly with forecasts for the future, secondly tactical assessments, these are short term and are aligned to the tactical menu, thirdly target profiles, these profiles describe the offenders and their associates to inform operations against them and lastly problem profiles, these profiles identify emerging series of offenders or hotspots for crime (Cope 2004) all the information which is put forward in these products is actively sought. The focus of information collection and analysis in the Intelligence-Led policing model is on offenders and their networking patterns, and to inform smart enforcement focused on serious and prolific offending patterns. It tends to naturally focus on current or very recent offending patterns. The intelligence used is often gained from informants and is done so covertly, whereas the Problem-Oriented policing model rarely needs or uses covertly collected information and information from informants. The Intelligence-Led policing model leaves little if any space for analysis of none-crime problems, the major information task is thus finding and drawing together ways of tracking offender and offending patterns as they emerge, and disrupting them through targeted enforcement (Tilley 2003). Crime analysis is crucial for this method of policing to work effectively because it endeavours to deliver the right information to the right people at the right time (Fletcher 2000). The Intelligence-Led policing model and the Problem-Oriented policing model both note the association between repeat victimisation and prolific offending. For the Problem-Oriented policing model repeat victimisation comprises a major pattern of problem events requiring systematic attention (Pease 1998). Repeat offenders appear to be largely responsible for repeat offences (Everson and Pease 2001). Therefore focusing proactive enforcement efforts on those already victimised is an efficient way of targeting prolific offenders. This falls in line with the Intelligence-Led policing model which steers attention towards this. However, the Problem-Oriented policing model is also concerned with non-enforcement methods of reducing the vulnerability of those already victimised (Tilley 2003). The way in which the models of policing are enforced differs on a much larger scale. The Problem-Oriented policing model is carried out by crime prevention officers and crime pattern analysts. It implies attention to problems exploiting available pinch-points in the conditions generating problems (Tilley 2002). This may include targeting prolific offenders, criminal organisations, those recruiting new criminals or stolen goods markets, any or all of which are likely to be focused on in the Intelligence-Led policing model. However, the major difference is that the Problem-Oriented policing model is also interested in finding pinch-points that do require enforcement. These will often include reductions in opportunity of the sort stressed in situational crime prevention (Braga 2002). Situational crime prevention reduces the criminals opportunities to commit crime for example making changes in the environment to make the criminal believe that the crime is not worth committing as it is to o risky, this is something which the Problem-Oriented policing model endorses in its methods of policing via the problem analysis triangle, this consists of; the offender or source of complaint, a victim or victims and a location or characteristics of locations (Cohen and Felson 1979). Problems can be removed or ameliorated by altering one or more of the three problem features with the aid of situational crime prevention. Crackdown and consolidation strategies are plausible candidates for many problems addressed in the Problem-Oriented Policing model (Wright 1994). The crackdown side agrees with the Intelligence-Led policing model, for both it involves efforts to target intensive, well publicised enforcement to incapacitate and/or deter offenders creating problems, this can also have beneficial side-effect beyond the operation of the crackdown (Sherman 1990). The Problem-Oriented policing model however will be equally concerned with consolidation, the introduction of measures to produce sustained falls in crime during the lull created by the crackdown (Tilley 2003). In addition to this, the Problem-Oriented policing model embraces concerns that extend beyond law enforcement. It is relevant to all police-relevant problems. Smart enforcement is needed for some but not all issues that are addressed by the police, for example a child going missing from home is more of a problem for policing but not smart enforcement. Various long-term crime problems are more open to non-enforcement preventive interventions than they are smart enforcement. Few enduring crime or non-crime problems are effectively dealt with by enforcement alone (Tilley 2003). This leads to the Problem-Oriented policing model to be seen as more community friendly as it does not ignore their needs; it focuses on all problems in society. On the other hand, the Intelligence-Led policing model is carried out mainly by intelligence officers and Criminal Investigation Departments (CID). It is the outcome of a desire to professionalise the intelligence discipline within the law enforcement (NCIS 2000). Enforcement can be made smarter by assiduously assembling analysing and acting upon information relating to the activities and organisation of major offenders (Tilley 2003). The Intelligence-Led policing model works at three interconnecting levels; level one covers local issues and volume crime, level two covers cross border issues, where crime issues cross jurisdictional borders and where intelligence needs to be shared, and level three covers serious and organised crime operating on a national or international scale (Tilley 2003). Although it does not cover issues which do not require smart enforcement like the Problem-Oriented policing model does, it covers issues which spread overseas and could be considered a more prof essional business type method of policing. Within the Intelligence-Led policing model there is a tasking and co-ordination group which is central to this method. The group has meetings which set the agenda for intelligence gathering, receiving intelligence, making tactical assessments, allocating law enforcement effort and reviewing said efforts, all of which are crucial elements of this model of policing. The meetings are made up of four main elements; the first being targeting offenders, the second is the management of hotspots, the third is the investigation of offences and the fourth is the application of preventative measures such as CCTV (NCIS 2000). The fourth element to this sits well with Problem-Oriented policing as it is essentially a form of situational crime prevention, something which the Problem-Oriented policing model embraces in its method of policing. It is easy to see that the Intelligence-Led policing model is concerned with traditional police priorities; the detection of crime and the apprehension of serious and prolific offenders (Tilley 2003). Crime is deemed better controllable by better targeting of offenders; therefore the public is better served. The assumption stands that law enforcement is the key function of the police; it shapes what they are concerned with and what they can do. The two models being discussed both have considerable success in society, however what each model considers to be success proves the real focus point that the model entails. For the Problem-Oriented policing model, success is achieved with the successful amelioration, removal or management of specific police related community problems. For the Intelligence-Led policing model success comes with good arrests and good sentences, the conviction of major, prolific offenders and their severe punishment keeping them away from those they would otherwise have the opportunity to harm (Tilley 2003). Although the Intelligence-Led policing model comes to play better with traditional grass roots police officers than the other models, it provides no space for the wider conception of police problems and responsibilities which the Problem-Oriented policing model takes on board such as community issues. The Problem-Oriented policing model provides essential space for community models of policing and Intelligent-Led enforcement, which makes it crucially adaptable to changing conditions in society (Tilley 2003).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Popular Mechanics by Raymond Carver Essay -- Papers Popular Mechanics

Popular Mechanics by Raymond Carver Works Cited Not Included Typically a story begins with an exposition, which introduces the characters, setting and plot. In the short story ?Popular Mechanics? by Raymond Carver, the exposition is excluded. The story begins with a short rise in action, moves quickly to the climax and totally omits the resolution. Carver uses third person objective narration to reveal the actions and the dialogue between a man and a woman. The narrator gives very little descriptive details, never revealing the characters? thoughts or their motivation. This allows the reader the freedom to interpret and develop their own opinions of the setting, plot, and characters of the story. This also stimulates the reader to be an active reader?to think about what is read, to ask questions, and to respond to the authors? style of writing. Firstly, the narrator gives little detail throughout the whole story. The greatest amount of detail is given in the first paragraph where the narrator describes the weather. This description sets the tone and mood of the events that follow. Giving the impression that a cold, wet, miserable evening was in the making. ?But it was getting dark on the inside too? (265), this foreshadowing reveals that not only was the day coming to an end, but something else was about to end. Carver leaves further development of the setting to the imagination of the reader. It could take place in any century or in any city, state, or country. There have been male-female relationships since the beginning of time, in every corner of the world. The story is universal and timeless. This lack of detail allows readers to develop a setting that fits with their lifestyle. Secondly, there is no... ...l of the relationship. Carver relies on the readers? knowledge of these popular stereotypes instead of telling you about each character. In conclusion, Carver ends with, ?In this manner, the issue was decided.? (266). The lack of explicit detail in ?Popular Mechanics? leaves the reader free to develop their own resolution. A different ending could be attached to every additional reading. Did the man take the baby? Did the woman? Was the baby hurt or killed? Due to the lack of detail this story could be read over and over and the reader could change the setting, plot and characterization each time. Carver takes into consideration a reader?s ability to be an active reader and their ability to incorporate their own ideas into his story. Thus, the need for lengthy detailed descriptions is not necessary, only a reader?s perception and imagination is needed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Purchasing Decision Essay

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing high-end versus low-end PDA devices for the medical center physicians? The advantages and disadvantages of purchasing high-end versus low-end PDA devices for the medical center physicians are that from the PDA device on a high-end of quality and price is that a physician can do more with it a (PDA) can access the internet; store reference material; track & collect patient data; provide patient education material; aide in the billing process; and transmit electronic prescriptions. The disadvantages of a high-end PDA device are the cost of the item and training associated with it on a limited budget. The advantages of purchasing low-end versus high-end PDA devices for the medical center physicians are that from the PDA device on a low-end of quality of and price would allow the administrator to comply with his budget. However, the disadvantages are that with a PDA device on a low-end of quality an there is a higher level of security risk and a physicians are limited to certain functions due to the lower quality of software which in the end could actually result in others costs fixing and aide issues cause by these limitations. 2. What might the implications of a decision about purchasing PDA devices for physicians it this medical center? The possible implications of a decision about purchasing PDA devices for physicians it this medical center could be from the high-end PDA the price would put a strain on the administrators budget and would affect other needs of the medical center, and with a device on the low-end of quality an there is a higher level of security risk and a physicians are limited to certain functions due to the lower quality of software 3. What are the limitations of the current decision-making process about a PDA investment? The limitation of the current decision-making process about a PDA investment is the administrator’s budget. 4. What decision-making process would you propose for (IS) investment decision at the medical center? Should others be involved? Who? How much? The decision-making process I would propose for (IS) investment decision at the medical center would be to bring all department heads of the medical center and the physicians together and discuss the need to make this purchase and the possible consequences of that decision. It is my understanding that the choice to make a purchase of this equipment for the medical center is understood to be a positive strategic move but the resulting actions of that purchase will affect everyone, and it’s for that reason I think everyone should be involved so issues and concerns can be addressed to make a choice together that will be in the best interest of the medical center.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bhopal Gas Tragedy and Its Ethical Issues Essay

SUMMARY Bhopal Gas Tragedy was a gas leak incident in India, considered one of the world’s worst industrial catastrophes. It occurred on the night of the last year of 1984 at the Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation (Union Carbide India Limited – UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. A leak of methyl isocyanides gas and other chemicals from the plant resulted in the exposure of hundreds of thousands of people. It also causes environmental issues such as pollution of soil and water. The gas leak in India was caused by bad maintenance and failure of several safety systems to cut off the expenses. HISTORY Bhopal is a city in central India with population of 800,000 people in 1984. At that time, home to the largest mosque in India, Bhopal was a major railway junction. Its main industries consisted of manufacturing heavy electrical equipment, weaving and printing cotton cloth, and milling flour. In 1969, American Union Carbide Corporation, a company headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, reached an agreement with the Indian government for the construction of a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal. Union Carbide would hold a 51 percent interest in the plant through its share of ownership of an Indian subsidiary of American Union Carbide. The agreement was seen as a win–win situation. India would have the plant and its jobs as well as the production of produce pesticides, a product needed badly by Indian farmers in order to increase agricultural productivity. In addition, Union Carbide also agreed that it would use local managers, who would be provided with the necessary skills and management training so that the plant would be truly locally operated. The plant used methyl isocyanides (MIC) gas as part of the production process for the pesticides. MIC is highly toxic and reacts strongly with other agents, including water. Operation of a plant with MIC processes requires detailed monitoring as well as security processes to prevent sabotage. While the plant began operations with high hopes, by 1980 the relationships were strained because the plant was not profitable. Union Carbide had asked the Indian government for permission to close the plant but the government felt the products from the plant as well as the jobs were needed for the Indian economy. Sometime in the early morning hours of December 3, 1984, MIC stored in a tank at the Bhopal plant came in contact with water, and the result was a boiling effect in the tank. The back-up safety systems at the plant, including cooling components for the tanks, did not work. The result was the toxic mixture began to leak and workers at the plant felt a burning sensation in their eyes. The boiling of the water and MIC caused the safety valves on the tank to explode. Following the explosion, the white smoke from the lethal mixture escaped through a smoke stack and began to spread across the area to the city of Bhopal. As the gas spread, it wove its way through the shanty towns that were located near the plant. The occupants of these shanty towns were Bhopal’s poorest. As the gas floated through these makeshift neighborhoods, 3,500 lives were lost and 200,000 were injured. The injuries included blindness, burns, and lesions in the respiratory system. The initial deaths and injuries were followed by long-term health effects. Of the women who were pregnant and exposed to the MIC, one-fourth either miscarried or had babies with birth defects. Children developed chronic respiratory problems. Smaller children who survived the toxic gas were sick for months and, weak from a lack of nutrition and ongoing illnesses, also died. MIC also produced strange boils on the bodies of many residents, boils that could not be healed. The problem of tuberculosis in the area was exacerbated by the lung injuries caused by the leaking MIC. In the year following the accident, the Indian government spent $40 million on food and health care for the Bhopal victims. Warren M. Anderson, Union Carbide’s chairman of the board at the time of the accident, pledged that he would devote the remainder of his career to solving the problems that resulted from the accident. However, by the end of the first year, Mr. Anderson told Business Week, â€Å"I overreacted. Maybe they, early on, thought we’d give the store away. [Now] we’re in litigation mode. I’m not going to roll over and play dead.† Following the accident, Union Carbide’s stock fell 16 points and it became, in the go-go 80s, a takeover target. When GAF Corporation made an offer, Union Carbide incurred $3.3 billion in debt in order to buy 56 percent of its own stock to avert a takeover. Through 1992, Union Carbide remained in a defensive mode as it coped with litigation, takeover attempts, and the actions of the Indian government in seeking to charge officers, including Anderson, with crimes. U.S. lawyers brought suit in the United States against Union Carbide on behalf of hundreds of Bhopal victims, but the case was dismissed because the court lacked jurisdiction over the victims as well as the plant. Union Carbide did settle the case with the Indian government for a payment of $470 million. There were 592,635 claims filed by Bhopal victims. The victims received, on average, about $1,000 each. The ordinary payment from the Indian government, as when a government bus harms an individual, is $130 to $700, depending upon the level of the injury. Individual awards were based on earning capacity, so, for example, widows of the Bhopal accident received $7,000. The Indian government also pursued criminal charges, including against Mr. Anderson. Lawyers for the company and Mr. Anderson continued to fight the charges, largely on the basis that the court had no jurisdiction over Mr. Anderson. However, to be on the safe side, Mr. Anderson did not return to India because of his fear of an arrest. In May 1992, the Indian government seized the plant and its assets and announced the sale of its 50 percent interest in the plant. When the sale occurred and Union Carbide received its share of the proceeds, it contributed $17 million to the Indian government for purposes of constructing a hospital near Bhopal. The plant now makes dry-cell batteries. Following the accident, Union Carbide reduced its workforce by 90 percent. Because of the share purchase, Union Carbide had a debt-to-equity ratio of 80 percent. In addition, the Union Carbide brand was affected by the accident and the company could not seem to gain traction. Dow Chemical would acquire the company in 1999 for $11.6 billion. In 2008, a study revealed that pesticide residues in the water supply for the area surrounding the plant were at levels above permissible ones. There are about 425 tons of wastes buried near the former plant. Advocates continue to appear at Dow shareholder meetings in order to demand clean-up. Dow’s response is, â€Å"As there was never any ownership, there are no responsibility and no liability—for the Bhopal tragedy or its aftermath.† ETHICAL ISSUES In Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation, a one of subsidiaries of Union Carbide Corporation has so many failures in working condition issues such as bad maintenance of the machinery, lack of safety and environmental standard to save money, and also had not concern of the natural environment. Sadly the case was dismissed because the court lacked jurisdiction over the victims as well as the plant. The insufficiency of scientific knowledge is inseparable from the inadequacy of justice. In 1999, Dow Chemical acquired Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation and as publicly owned corporation, the company is unable to accept any responsibility for the Bhopal catastrophe due to share price. Then the government of India sold the company’s assets to construct hospitals near Bhopal to take care the victims. There is dilemmatic problem for Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation, since they knew that the business was not profitable but the Government asked it to run  to support Indian farmers’ productivity and also Indian Economy through the plant. Because of that dilemma, The Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation disregard the Environmental Responsibility to save the money by ignored the work condition issues and keep the business run. KEY PARTIES TO UNETHICAL ISSUES There are four key parties occurred to Bhopal Gas Tragedy. There are: 1.Environments. The ring one which impacted by the tragedy is environment around the pesticide plant. The ring one consists of: (1) civilizations around the pesticide plant – Shanty Towns, and (2) Ecosystems – such as trees, water, and soil. 2.Government of India. The one who is control the environmental issues for industries and business. Government of India responsible to makes the policies to compromise between business and environment safety. 3.Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation (UCIL). The one of subsidiaries of Union Carbide Corporation, who had a business of pesticide plant in India – Bhopal with Indian Management, was responsible because of unfriendly environmental business or we could say that they are not pay attention to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 4.Union Carbide Corporation. (UCC) The Parent Corporation of Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation. The chairman is the one who is most responsible of the Bhopal Gas Catastrophe. The chairman name is Anderson, he arranged with the government of India to build the pesticide plant. CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO UNETHICAL ISSUES Attempts to reduce expenses affected the Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation’s (UCIL) employees and their conditions, they did several things below: 1.Less stringent quality control and thus looser safety rules; 2.Less training in controlled the factory. It means the employee didn’t exactly know what to do and what not to do; 3.Promotions were halted. It seriously affecting the employee morale and driving the skilled employee finding another job/factory. 4.Workers were forced to use English Manuals Book, while only a few of the employee had a grasp of the language. Because of that situation, UCIL affecting several situations such as: 1.The MIC tank alarms had not worked for four years.   2.There was only one manual back-up system, compared to a four-stage system used in the United States. 3.The flare tower and several vent gas scrubbers had been out of service for five months before the disaster. Only one gas scrubber was operating: it could not treat such a large amount of MIC with sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), which would have brought the concentration down to a safe level. The flare tower could only handle a quarter of the gas that leaked in 1984, and moreover it was out of order at the time of the incident. 4.To reduce energy costs, the refrigeration system was idle. The MIC was kept at 20 degrees Celsius, not the 4.5 degrees advised by the manual. 5.The steam boiler, intended to clean the pipes, was out of action for unknown reasons. 6.Slip-blind plates that would have prevented water from pipes being cleaned from leaking into the MIC tanks through faulty valves were not installed. Their installation had been omitted from the cleaning checklist. 7.The water pressure was too weak to spray the escaping gases from the stack. They could not spray high enough to reduce the concentration of escaping gas. 8.According to the operators, the MIC tank pressure gauge had been malfunctioning for roughly a week. Other tanks were used, rather than repairing the gauge. The build-up in temperature and pressure is believed to have affected the magnitude of the gas release. UCC investigation studies have disputed this hypothesis. 9.Carbon steel valves were used at the factory, even though they corrode when exposed to acid. 10.UCC admitted in their own investigation report that most of the safety systems were not functioning on the night of December 3, 1984. 11.The design of the MIC plant, following government guidelines, was â€Å"Indianized† by UCIL engineers to maximize the use of indigenous materials and products. Mumbai-based Humphreys and Glasgow Consultants PVT. Ltd. were the main  consultants, Larsen & Toubro fabricated the MIC storage tanks, and Taylor of India Ltd. provided the instrumentation. Besides that, there were also serious communication problems and management gaps between Union Carbide Corporation and its Indian operation. OPTIONS TO FINISH THE UNETHICAL ISSUES Anderson at the very start should have a feasibility study and environmental study for build up Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation, pesticide plant in India, to calculate the requirement of the plants related to India’s demand of pesticide and environment safety. If the plant is already built and it’s not profitable, Anderson should have closed the plant. But because of the Government demand to support the Indian Economy, Anderson should have to negotiate the government of India to take the plant as India’s state-owned company. So basically, all of the operational requirement will be the problems of India’s Government. Since Bhopal Gas Tragedy was already happened in India, there are few options to take the unethical issues done: 1.Union Carbide Corporations’ Chairman, Anderson, have to solve all of the problems causes by Bhopal Carbide Corporation’s Operation mistakes. It may take a lot of money to gather consultant and built infrastructure to help the victims such as Rehabilitation Center, Hospital, and also the compensation since the disaster begins would shut down the economics around the plant. 2.Anderson can also ask the India’s Government to contribute in solving all of the problems causes by Bhopal Carbide Corporation’s Operation mistakes since the Government of India was asked of helps to support Indian Economy and didn’t have regulation for Safety of Industrial policies. 3.Anderson use Point 2 plus ask the international media to regain his name due to the bad Indian management which â€Å"Indianized† U.S. Industrial safety  to environment. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1.Should the Bhopal plant have been operated using U.S. safety and environmental standards? As a company operating outside the country, American Union Carbide Corporation should apply a U.S. safety and environmental standards because country where they operate (India) has not implemented a safety and environmental standard. The company should apply with the more strictly standard. In 1973, the Indian parliament had passed the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), which aimed to increase state control over foreign business ventures. The act reduced the amount of equity that a foreign corporation could provide to any given project, in order to dilute foreign ownership of Indian-based firms. The bill also strongly encouraged the transfer of proprietary production technology to Indian firms, rather than just the formulation and sale of products, so that it could lay the groundwork for eventually nationalizing such technologies. In the case of the Bhopal plant however, UCC wanted to retain control of both the project and the technologies they had invented. While FERA did not allow foreign corporations to be the majority stakeholder in a project, an exception was made for UCC on the grounds that it was bringing in â€Å"special technology.† In order to retain their 50.9 percent stake in the undertaking, UCC cut the cost of construction from $28 million to $20 million dollars, primarily by using substandard technology and cheaper materials. Although UCC claims that its plant in Bhopal was built to the same safety specifications as its American facilities, when it was finally constructed there were at least eleven significant differences in safety and maintenance policies between the Bhopal factory and its sister facility in Institute, West Virginia. For example, the West Virginia plant had an emergency plan,  computer monitoring, and used inert chloroform for cooling their MIC tanks. Bhopal had no emergency plan, no computer monitoring, and used brine, a substance that may dangerously react with MIC, for its cooling system. The Union Carbide Karamchari Sangh (Workers’ Union), a union of Bhopal workers that formed in the early 1980s, recognized the dangers at the factory but their agitation for safer conditions produced no changes. 2.What would the U.S. policy be on the shanty towns? 3.Should the case have been moved to the United States for recover? Since Anderson is American, and the 51% shares of UCIL was owned by UCC in U.S. (categorized as Foreign Direct Investment), it should have been an U.S. – India issues to recover. With U.S. recovery helps, it will create a good relationship between U.S. and India. And probably the industry owned by U.S. citizen will trusted more by Indian. 4.List all of the costs of the accident to Union Carbide. It is estimated 100,000 to 200,000 people have permanent injuries. Reported symptoms are eye problems, respiratory difficulties, immune and neurological disorders, cardiac failure secondary to lung injury, female reproductive difficulties and birth defects among children born to affected women. The Indian Government and UCC deny permanent injuries were caused by MIC or the other gases. The gas cloud was composed mainly of materials denser than the surrounding air, stayed close to the ground and spread outwards through the surrounding community. The initial effects of exposure were coughing, vomiting, severe eye irritation and a feeling of suffocation. People awakened by these symptoms fled away from the plant. Those who ran inhaled more than those who had a vehicle to ride. Owing to their height, children and other people of shorter stature inhaled higher concentrations. Many people were trampled trying to escape. A total of 36 wards were marked by the authorities as being â€Å"gas affected†, affecting a population of 520,000. Of these, 200,000 were below 15 years of age, and 3,000 were pregnant women. In 1991, 3,928 deaths had been certified. Independent organizations recorded 8,000 dead in the first days. Other estimations vary between 10,000 and 30,000. Another 100,000 to 200,000 people are estimated to have permanent injuries of different degrees.

6 Methods for Teaching Money Counting Skills

6 Methods for Teaching Money Counting Skills Counting money is a critical functional skill for all students. For children with learning disabilities but average intelligence, money not only gives them access to things they want to purchase, but it also builds a foundation for understanding the base ten systems of numeration. This will help with them learn decimals, percents, the metric system, and other skills that are vital for science, technology, and the social sciences. For students with intellectual disabilities and lower functionality, counting money is one of the skills they will need for self-determination and for the opportunity to live independently in the community. Like all skills, counting and using money needs to be scaffolded,  building on strengths and teaching the baby steps that will lead to independence. Coin Recognition Before students can count coins, they have to be able to correctly identify the most common denominations: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. For low-function students, this may be a long but worthwhile process. Do not use fake plastic coins for low-functioning students with intellectual or developmental disabilities. They need to generalize coin use to the real world, and the plastic coins do not feel, smell, or even look like the real thing. Depending on the students level, approaches include: Discrete trial training:  Present only two coins at a time. Ask and reinforce correct responses, i.e. Give me a penny, Give me a nickel, Give me a penny, etc.Use errorless teaching: Point to the correct coin if the student picks up the wrong coin or seems to waffle. Collect data and dont introduce a new coin until the child is at least 80 percent accuracy.Coin sorting: After the child has succeeded with discrete trial training, or if the child quickly seems to be distinguishing the coins, you can give them practice by sorting coins. Place a cup for each denomination, and place the mixed coins on the table in front of the child. If the child recognizes numbers, put the coin value on the outside of the cup, or place one of the coins in the cup.Matching coins: A variation of sorting coins is to match them to the values on a cardstock mat. You could add a picture if it helps. Counting Coins The goal is to help your students learn to count coins. Counting money requires understanding the base ten math system and strong skip counting skills. Activities with a hundred chart will help build these skills. The hundred chart can also be used to help teach counting money as well. Money should begin with a single denomination, ideally pennies. Counting pennies could easily accompany learning to count, as well as introducing the cents sign. Then, move on to nickels and dimes, followed by quarters. Number lines and hundred chart:  Make paper number lines to one hundred or hundred charts. When counting nickels, have the students highlight the fives and write the fives (if they are not on the number line). Give students nickels and have them place the nickels on the fives and recite out loud. Placing the coins and reciting out loud make this a multi-sensory unit. Do the same with counting dimes.Giant number line: This activity ramps up the multisensory element of money and skip counting. Paint a giant number line (or get parent volunteers) on a paved portion of the playground or school courtyard, with the numbers one foot apart. Have individual children walk the number line and count the nickels, or get giant nickels from a bulletin board set and have different students stand at different points to count off by fives.Coin templates: Create counting templates by cutting out facsimile coins and pasting them on five-inch by eight-inch file cards (or any size you find most manageab le). Write the value on the card (front for low-functioning children, on the back as a self-correcting activity). Give students nickels, dimes, or quarters and have them count them out. This is an especially useful technique for teaching quarters. You need only make one card with four quarters and the numbers 25, 50, 75, and 100. They can count multiple quarters in rows.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Analysis Of “the Darling“ By Anton Chekhov

Analysis of â€Å"The Darling† The short story â€Å"The Darling†, by Anton Chekhov, tells of a woman who loves three men, and how her beliefs and ideas change with, and as often as, her husbands. Nicknamed â€Å"darling†, Olenka never allows for thoughts or opinions of her own, as if she never learned how to think for herself. A look at the principle characteristics of Olenka shows her significance as the author intended. Through this story, Chekhov suggests that many people employ the â€Å"selfless self† characteristic, and that this trait can inconvenience, as well as comfort. The central and protagonist character, Olenka, is attractive, kind- hearted, and eager to help other people. The nickname â€Å"darling† arises from â€Å"her full rosy cheeks, her soft white neck with a little dark mole on it, and the kind, naà ¯ve smile, which came into her face when she listened to anything pleasant†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This name bears irony: Olenka is â€Å"darling† to everyone and becomes indulged like a favorite pet. Directly presented to the reader is the trait of Olenka only finding happiness in reflecting the beliefs of her husbands. This causes Olenka to embody female disempowerment- she subordinates her will to male intellect. A foolish but affectionate wife, Olenka does gain happiness when married to her first two husbands- theater owner Kukin, and timber merchant Pustovalov- because she has someone to dote on, and Olenka â€Å"could not exist without loving.† Olenka never evolves within the tale; she only becomes lonelier and more desperate for male affection. When Olenka can not turn to any more lovers for attention, the protagonist focuses all of her attention on Sasha, the abandoned son of her former lover. Olenka begins parroting the opinions of Sasha, and embarrasses him by following him to school. Readers see that, although Olenka can win affection from anyone, Olenka never earns any respect.... Free Essays on Analysis Of â€Å"the Darlingâ€Å" By Anton Chekhov Free Essays on Analysis Of â€Å"the Darlingâ€Å" By Anton Chekhov Analysis of â€Å"The Darling† The short story â€Å"The Darling†, by Anton Chekhov, tells of a woman who loves three men, and how her beliefs and ideas change with, and as often as, her husbands. Nicknamed â€Å"darling†, Olenka never allows for thoughts or opinions of her own, as if she never learned how to think for herself. A look at the principle characteristics of Olenka shows her significance as the author intended. Through this story, Chekhov suggests that many people employ the â€Å"selfless self† characteristic, and that this trait can inconvenience, as well as comfort. The central and protagonist character, Olenka, is attractive, kind- hearted, and eager to help other people. The nickname â€Å"darling† arises from â€Å"her full rosy cheeks, her soft white neck with a little dark mole on it, and the kind, naà ¯ve smile, which came into her face when she listened to anything pleasant†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This name bears irony: Olenka is â€Å"darling† to everyone and becomes indulged like a favorite pet. Directly presented to the reader is the trait of Olenka only finding happiness in reflecting the beliefs of her husbands. This causes Olenka to embody female disempowerment- she subordinates her will to male intellect. A foolish but affectionate wife, Olenka does gain happiness when married to her first two husbands- theater owner Kukin, and timber merchant Pustovalov- because she has someone to dote on, and Olenka â€Å"could not exist without loving.† Olenka never evolves within the tale; she only becomes lonelier and more desperate for male affection. When Olenka can not turn to any more lovers for attention, the protagonist focuses all of her attention on Sasha, the abandoned son of her former lover. Olenka begins parroting the opinions of Sasha, and embarrasses him by following him to school. Readers see that, although Olenka can win affection from anyone, Olenka never earns any respect....

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Life Style Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Life Style Sciences - Essay Example As the report declares if statements as the following are readily made by the EPA one wonders why some products are still available for home use. "In addition, some literature suggests children with asthma may be affected by other pollutants found in schools from such sources as un-vented stoves or heaters and common products such as cleaning agents, perfumes, and sprays." (EPA) At the same time, under their section "Asthma and Indoor Environments," you'll read: "Learn more about factors found in the indoor and outdoor environment that can cause, trigger, or exacerbate asthma symptoms and what you can do to reduce their impact. You might be surprised by the list of common environmental asthma triggers and how simple it can be to eliminate them from your environment." This paper stresses that children can be exposed to a number of air pollutants that come from sources inside homes, schools, and other buildings. Indoor sources include combustion sources such as gas stoves, fireplaces, and cigarettes; building materials such as treated wood and paints, furnishings, carpet, and fabrics; and consumer products such as sprays, pesticides, window cleaners, and laundry soap. Indoor air pollutants also can come from outside, as air pollution penetrates indoors. Information on the toxic effects of air pollutants from indoor sources indicates that they could pose health risks to children.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nike and Mac for cosmetics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nike and Mac for cosmetics - Case Study Example Their products have been used by major sporting personalities and have achieved the traits they are so much advertised to have. This company has gained the loyalty of its customers over the years such that buying a sporting shoe, or any other sporting equipment from another company is quite difficult. Nike enjoys this loyalty through increased sales and reduced marketing efforts since their brand is already known and trusted. The brand image that this sporting company has created for itself is a result of hard work and implementation of appropriate strategies to gain the confidence of customers. This company also used pathos to sell their sporting products. This emotional appeal is seen in their use of heroic images to create an emotional attachment with consumers. The use of a successful sports figure creates a feeling of victory in customers, and they end up buying Nike’s products. Some of these advertisements are designed in a manner showing how a hero in Nike wear subdues an enemy who seems rather unbeatable. Such an advertisement is a great advertisement tool in that it captures the inner feelings of a person. It has been a successful strategy over the years, an example being the Air Jordan. Nike products with this name were associated with Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketballers that ever played in the NBA. With such an association of greatness, consumers are bound to buy these products. The logos part of marketing the Nike products is the fact that they give what they market. A case in point is the comfort in their running shoes and the cushion associated with them. Their shoes can be credited with the best comfort in running shoes as said in their advertisements. The same applies for the flex grooves of the shoe soles. They work just as they are prescribed to. They give the best running experience an athlete would wish for. People have praised Nike for the honesty

Compare Deaths of General Washington with that of Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

Compare Deaths of General Washington with that of Alexander Hamilton - Research Paper Example Alexander Hamilton died as Aaron Burr shot him. Aaron was a political opponent in the famous duel that ended his life in 1804. Some Hamilton’s last words were about his faith in Christ and his firm belief in Christianity and fervent hope of clemency through the virtues and mediations of Christ1. Washington’s religious convictions Washington and his family were initially Anglicans. Washington used to go to church in his wife’s company. He never participated in some rituals like taking communion. He therefore, used to leave the church before the services ended so that he did not take the communion. This went on until he ceased attending church on communion occasions since a priest reprimanded him. He attended many services at many churches as a President. Among those churches he attended were Presbyterian, Catholic, Quaker, and Congregational. He officially addressed twenty-two religious groups, which gave him more understanding on religion. Washington was a very g enerous man who attended many charity events and donated to the poor, schools, and colleges. In 1793, widows and orphans in Philadelphia suffered from yellow fever endemic that distressed the capital city. As a leading citizen, Washington led the country in demonstrating charity to the affected2. General Washington’s Christian affiliations General Washington was an honest leader who believed in religious rights, and used his powers as general and president to enhance goodwill among Protestants, Catholics, and Jews. Both in public and in private, he denounced prejudicial tendencies of diverse kinds together with religious bigotry. He was always deluding of making every American to enjoy the provisions within their boundaries as illustrated by his ideologies in the book of Micah. He was not superstitious since he hoped that America would be a place where truth and reason will overcome biases and superstition. Washington also used to go to church and he was an affiliate of the A nglican Church. Before the war began, he was a successful proprietor who served on the vestry for Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia and for Pohick Church, which was close to his Mount Vernon home. The parish was the part of local government and it deal mostly with public matters like roads. Washington and other Framers emphasized the Christian ideologies of America. He did not separate his Christian principles from his public policies. This is evident in the American Revolution when he reminded his soldiers, that for them to be patriotic, they should show the characters of true Christians. He called on every man and officer to live and act like Christian soldiers shielding the treasured rights and autonomy of his country. He also assured the Delaware Indians who had their children in American schools that the congress would do everything to assist them in their wise intentions of wanting to learn the religion of Jesus Christ. Washington liked using Christian references and rheto ric in official acts and writings.3 Washington used to declare his Christianity loyalty openly. This is what all the honest Christians do unless they are hypocrites. Washington was not a hypocrite because most of the people who knew him best proved that. Washington was a true deist who appeared to have the characteristics disregard of the past Deist for the appearance and doctrine of institutional belief. Additionally he had a strong hatred of the â€Å"upper-class Deist for sectarian†

Organizational Planning Worksheet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Planning Worksheet - Assignment Example Fortune 500 Company name National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) 2. The company’s internal and external stakeholders Internal stakeholder’s External stakeholder’s Employees Customers Managers Suppliers Executive directors Government Non-executive directorsSociety ShareholdersCreditors 3. Company’s mission and vision Company’s mission To serve as the best economical and safe operation national passenger railway system in the region. Company’s vision To equip the country with a transit option that is reliable, safe and affordable connecting all the major population centers. 4. Company goals At least one company goal that can be accomplished through a strategic plan To increase the company’s markets share in the region. To increase the size of the company by maximizing its wealth. At least one company goal that can be accomplished through an operational plan To be a more efficient transit option to the general public. To increase the safety procedures in the rail system company. 5. SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses The company is dominant in the market. Availability of financial limitations. The company offers unique services to the customers. The challenge of target market segmentation. The company operates in convenient locations and has local stops. The company has inadequate structure. Opportunities Threats The company has unique selling propositions such as having more destinations and affordable rates. The presence of discount airlines. The company has good pricing strategies such as the having steep discounts that targeting of niche markets. Private train firms provide stiff competition. The company gets federal funding by way of privatization. The presence of poor economic conditions.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

India - Essay Example From the Indus Valley civilisation, the Mughal Empire, arrival of the British in India, and the subsequent rise and fall of the British Empire. Consequently, analysing and evaluating all these occurrences can facilitate a deeper understanding of how the Indian civilisation transformed over time. The Indus Valley civilisation was one of the most vibrant during its time. However, it later on started to decline quite fast, and eventually disappeared altogether. One of the major reasons attributed to its decline is the sudden and abrupt change in climate leading to difficulties in carrying out economic activities that pushed the existence of the civilisation (Dick 15). Climate change led to a difficult life in the civilisation, and most people opted out of the area. Over time, the area became more and more desolate, which made it unsuitable for the kind of life that the locals were used to. Eventually, the mass migration affected the civilisation such that it eventually had to collapse. It is worth noting that one of the most important economic activities of the locals was farming and agricultural activities. With severe climate change, this turned out to be quite difficult, thereby forcing the people out. Consequently, this led to the collapse of the Indus Valley civilisation. Moreover, the poor climate meant that the locals did not have the ability to take part in trade activities and other economic relations with their trade partners such as Egypt and Mesopotamia (Dick 22). With a reduction in ability to trade, the society was rendered unable to sustain itself, meaning that it gradually had to disappear. Trade and other economic relations with neighbours and trade partners was one of the most significant elements that defined the existence of the Indus Valley civilisation. With the inability to trade, they were not only unable to sustain their own lives, but were also not of any significance to their

Instructional ducoment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Instructional ducoment - Assignment Example Your Internet service provider (ISP) or email administrator will provide you the configuration information which you must use to set up your email account in Outlook. Email accounts are contained in a profile. A profile consists of accounts, data files, and settings that specify where your email messages are saved. Your new profile is created automatically when you run Outlook for the first time. You can open an attachment from the Reading Pane, or from an open message and you may save it to a disk drive. If a message has more than one attachment, you can save multiple attachments as a group or one by one. Contacts can be added with simple information like name and e-mail address, or with detailed information such as street address, multiple phone numbers, a picture, birthdays, etc related to the contact. You can print individual items like e-mail messages, contacts, or calendar items, or larger views, such as calendars, address books, or content lists of Mail folders. All printing settings and functions are found under the Backstage view. The above guide endeavors to familiarize you with basic Outlook features to give you a head start. However Outlook is awash with several other advanced and multipurpose functionalities like creating reminders, calendar appointments and scheduling meetings with people, which you can explore and put to your use once you have gained ample hands-on experience on Outlook basic and core

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organizational Planning Worksheet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Planning Worksheet - Assignment Example Fortune 500 Company name National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) 2. The company’s internal and external stakeholders Internal stakeholder’s External stakeholder’s Employees Customers Managers Suppliers Executive directors Government Non-executive directorsSociety ShareholdersCreditors 3. Company’s mission and vision Company’s mission To serve as the best economical and safe operation national passenger railway system in the region. Company’s vision To equip the country with a transit option that is reliable, safe and affordable connecting all the major population centers. 4. Company goals At least one company goal that can be accomplished through a strategic plan To increase the company’s markets share in the region. To increase the size of the company by maximizing its wealth. At least one company goal that can be accomplished through an operational plan To be a more efficient transit option to the general public. To increase the safety procedures in the rail system company. 5. SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses The company is dominant in the market. Availability of financial limitations. The company offers unique services to the customers. The challenge of target market segmentation. The company operates in convenient locations and has local stops. The company has inadequate structure. Opportunities Threats The company has unique selling propositions such as having more destinations and affordable rates. The presence of discount airlines. The company has good pricing strategies such as the having steep discounts that targeting of niche markets. Private train firms provide stiff competition. The company gets federal funding by way of privatization. The presence of poor economic conditions.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Instructional ducoment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Instructional ducoment - Assignment Example Your Internet service provider (ISP) or email administrator will provide you the configuration information which you must use to set up your email account in Outlook. Email accounts are contained in a profile. A profile consists of accounts, data files, and settings that specify where your email messages are saved. Your new profile is created automatically when you run Outlook for the first time. You can open an attachment from the Reading Pane, or from an open message and you may save it to a disk drive. If a message has more than one attachment, you can save multiple attachments as a group or one by one. Contacts can be added with simple information like name and e-mail address, or with detailed information such as street address, multiple phone numbers, a picture, birthdays, etc related to the contact. You can print individual items like e-mail messages, contacts, or calendar items, or larger views, such as calendars, address books, or content lists of Mail folders. All printing settings and functions are found under the Backstage view. The above guide endeavors to familiarize you with basic Outlook features to give you a head start. However Outlook is awash with several other advanced and multipurpose functionalities like creating reminders, calendar appointments and scheduling meetings with people, which you can explore and put to your use once you have gained ample hands-on experience on Outlook basic and core

Why Race, Class, and Gender Still Matter Essay Example for Free

Why Race, Class, and Gender Still Matter Essay The critical issues mentioned in â€Å"Why Race Class and Gender Still Matter† are how inequalities are going to be spoken about in the book â€Å"Race Class and Gender† and about how race, class, and gender still effect society today. Another critical topic in this chapter is Hurricane Katrina and how that brought the poverty level and status of minorities in the country to light. Lastly, this chapter explains how the author expects the reader to look at race, class, and gender as they read the rest of the book and to look at the experiences of every group from that particular perspective. This book was intended for under-graduate and graduate sociology or political science students. The purpose of chapter one was to explain the point of the book. It was an expository introduction that told why race, class, and gender needs to be examined and studied. According to this book race, class, and gender â€Å"shape the experiences of all people in the United States.† There are ways in which different groups can be both privileged in one way while disadvantaged in another. Americans have started describing these different groups using the term diversity. Diversity awareness has started initiatives to prove diversity is pleasing and important, and that it should be celebrated. One more important topic discussed in this chapter is the directions to study exploitations and exclusions of some groups along with the inclusion of others. The thesis of â€Å"Why Race Class and Gender Still Matter† is that developing knowledge of how the progressively universal center of society effects the configuration of race, class, and gender interactions will inspire inclusive outlooks in the United States. The author’s language ability is voice-intimidating. The author uses very advanced language. Specific words I found difficult to understand were matrix, salient, domination, and framework. The author provides evidence when talking about Hurricane Katrina and the damage that hurricane did. However, most statements are not backed up with evidence of studies or statistics. The author employs the logic of problematic. I found this reading to open my mind up for what is to come in the future weeks of this class. Since it was only the opening chapter I did not find anything to be implicit or explicit. My biggest question is what is meant by a matrix of domination? This chapter says â€Å"we use the approach of a matrix of domination to analyze race, class, and gender.† I realize that it refers to levels in the social structure of the U.S. but how are these levels defined and what makes one disadvantage worse than another?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tasks on Management Skills

Tasks on Management Skills Task 1 Identify and evaluate the importance of the personal and professional skills, outlined above, for a successful manager, which enable the manager to meet organizational and own goals (1.1a) The changing role of management: Mary Parker the mother of modern management ,defined management as the art of getting things done through people . At one time, that meant that managers were called bosses, and their job was to tell people what to do and watch over them to be sure they did it . bosses tended to reprimand those who didnt do things correctly and generally acted stern and bossy. Many managers still behave that way. Perhaps you have witnessed such managers yelling at employees at fast-food restaurants or shop floors. Today management is changing from that kind of behavior. Managers are being educated to guide, train, support, motivate, and coach employees rather than to boss them around. Modern managers in progressive companies emphasize teamwork and cooperation rather than discipline and order giving. Managers in some high-tech and progressive firms of all kinds dress more casually, are more friendly, and generally treat employees as partners rather than unruly workers. In general, therefore, management is experiencing a revolution. Managers in the future are much more likely to be working in teams, thisll appraise them below them as well as those above, and theyll be assuming completely new roles in the firm. The following table summarizes the managers different roles. Planning Setting organizational goals Developing strategies to reach those goals . Determining resources needed. Setting standards. Directing Leading, guiding, and motivating employees to work effectively to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. Giving assignments Explaining routines Clarifying policies Providing feedback on performance. Organizing: Allocating resources, assigning tasks, and establishing procedures for accomplishing goals. Preparing a structure (organization chart) showing lines of authority and responsibility. Recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees.. Placing employees where theyll be most effective. Controlling Measuring results against corporate objectives. Monitoring performance relative to standards. Taking corrective action. Some modern managers perform all of these tasks with the full cooperation and participation of workers. Empowering employees means allowing them to participate more fully in decision making. Tasks and skills at different levels of management: Anyone who has ever played a sport such as basketball, football, or soccer knows theres a tremendous difference between being an excellent player and excellent coach (manager). Often a good player will volunteer to coach the neighborhood team and be disaster as a manager. The same thing happens in business. Few people are trained to be managers. Rather, the process of becoming a manger is similar to the sports example. A person learns how to be a skilled accountant or salesperson or production line worker, and then- because of his or her skill- is selected to be a manger. The tendency is for such managers to become deeply involved in showing others how to do things, helping them, supervising them, and generally being very active in the operating task. The further up the managerial ladder a person moves, the less such skills are required. Instead, the need is for people who are visionaries, good planners, organizers, coordinators, communicators, morale builders, and motivators. Managers must have three skills: Technical skills: involve the ability to perform tasks of a specific department such as selling (marketing) or bookkeeping. Human relation skills: include leadership, motivation, coaching, communication, morale building, training and development, help and supportiveness, and delegating. Conceptual skills: refer to mangers ability to picture the organization as a whole and the relationship of various parts to perform tasks such as planning, organizing, controlling, system development, problem analysis, decision making, coordinating, and delegating. The first line managers need to be skilled in all three areas. Most of their time is spent on technical and human relation tasks (assisting operating personnel, giving direction, and so forth). First line managers spend little time on conceptual tasks. Top managers, on the other hand need to use few technical skills. Instead, almost all of their time is devoted to human relations and conceptual tasks. One whos competent at one level of management may not be competent at higher levels and vise versa. The skills needed are different at different levels. The most difficult task for most managers to learn is delegating. Whats delegating? Delegating is assigning authority and accountability to others while retaining the responsibility for results. Managers are usually selected from those who are skilled at doing what the people they manage are doing. As we noted earlier; most progressive managers of the 21 st century will be team leaders. They will set specific goals in corporation with a team of workers, set up feedback and communication procedures (control procedure) , and minimize the tendency to continually look over the teams shoulder to make sure its doing things the managers way . Employees will be given freedom (empowered) to decide the hows and whens of completion of specific tasks as long as the goals are accomplished on time. Decision-making is choosing among two or more alternatives. It sounds easier than it is in practice. In fact , decision making is the heart of all the Management functions. We have six Ds of decision making, which are: Define the problem Describe and collect needed information Develop alternatives Decide which ethical alternative is best Do whats indicated ( implement solution)) Determine whether the decision was a good one and follow up. Managers often have computer terminals at their desks so they can get internal records and external data of all kinds. But again no data in the world can replace a manager who is creative and make brilliant decisions. Decision-making is more art than a science. Its the one skill most needed by managers and leaders in that all the other functions depend on it. Task 2 Provide a range of practical methods suitable for developing or improving the skills discussed in 1.1b Learning managerial skills: We have explored the broad categories of skills needed by various levels of management. Now lets be know more about specific skills needed to be a good manager. a) Verbal skills: The bulk of a managers duty will involve communicating with others. a communicate his idea to others. To prepare for such tasks, he should take oral communication courses. At least half of communication is skilled listening. A good manager mixes with other managers, workers, clients, stockholders, and others outside the firm . he or she listens to recommendations and complaints and acts on them. Active listening requires the asking of questions and feeding back what youve heard to let others know he is truly interested in what they say. b) Writing skills: Managers must also be able to write clearly and precisely. Much of what he want others to do must be communicated through memos, report, policies, and letters. Organizations every where is complaining about many graduates in ability to write clearly (which will affect our future managers). So if from now on, a future manager, develop good writing skills, he will be miles ahead of his competition. That means he must practice writing, it helps to write anything like, diary, letters, notes and so on. With practice he will develop the ability to write easily- just like he speaks. Also with this shill he will be more ready for his career in management. c) Computer skills: The office of the future will be an office full of computers and related technology. Memos, charts, letters, and most of other communication efforts will involve the computer. When a manger is practicing writing, practice on a word processor. The truly efficient manager of the future will be able to effectively use and take advantage of the continuing developments in technology. d) Human relations skills: A manger works with people and that means that good managers know how to get along with people, motivate them, and inspire them. People skills are learned by working with people. good leaders begin early by assuming leadership positions is sports, community groups, and so on. A manager must be aware of how others react with him. If he cause negative feelings or reactions, he has to learn why? He doesnt be afraid to make mistakes and upset others. That is how he could learn. But also he has to learn how to work with others . What is managing diversity? Is building systems and a culture that unite different people in common pursuit without undermining their diversity. Research has shown that heterogeneous (mixed) groups are more productive than homogenous (similar) groups in the work place .men and women, young and old, and all other mixes of people can learn not only to work together but also to work together with more success. In the future, mangers must learn how to deal effectively with people from different cultures. Managers will also be asked to work in foreign countries. The more skilled he can become in other languages and in working with diverse cultural groups, he will be an effective manager. e) Time management skills: One of the most important skills for new mangers to learn how to budget their time effectively. There are many demands on managers time that they need to learn to control telephone interruption, visits from colleagues, questions from subordinates, meetings scheduled by higher management, and such. . This could be by setting priorities, delegating work, choosing activities that produce the mot results and dealing with interruption. f) Technical skills: To rise through the ranks of accounting, marketing, finance, production or, any other functional area , the manager should be proficient in that area. About 60 percent of top mangers have taken courses beyond their bachelors degree. The most common areas of technical expertise among top managers are accounting and finance together. Marketing came in second. Slightly more than half of the top 1000 chief executive officers in the country has a graduate degree. As an example of the skills needed by managers to carry out their work successfully, Ill apply it on my organization and how they are trying to develop these skills from now .They believe that we are the future managers and professors, so we have to learn and apply these skills from now on . I work as a teacher assistant in MIU ( Misr International University). We use to have to attend workshops to improve and develop our ( assistants) skills. These work shops were mainly discussing the following topics : Lesson planning Class management Time management Presentation skills Look at these , these are skills needed from us to have as future professors in MIU.We have to learn how to control a class, how to deal with trouble makers, how to finish what we plan for in the time required..etc. They kept telling us that we are the managers of the class . They resembled the class as an entire organization and Im the leader, manager, controller and evaluator . also they train us to parctice talking in English all the time , to be able to handle all the class teaching in English. Also we have to have excellent computer skills. All of these skills is better off to be learned from now , to apply it in our future careers. This is a simple article from the internet disscussing what should managers do to develop their career. What is expected of me? How well am I doing? Sales Manager: You need to learn how to do relationship selling. Sales Associates response: What exactly does that mean? Executive to manager: You need to be more of a leader and less of a traditional manager. Managers response: What exactly does that mean? The world of work is changing so fast, its difficult to communicate changing expectations quickly and clearly. This is especially true in areas such as sales skills, project management skills and leadership skills. The changes expected in these areas arent easy to observe and measure and, up to now, most companies didnt attempt it. But with competition heating up and hierarchies melting down, the focus on performance and career development has become more intense. For this reason, competencies have become a new tool in the workplace. Competencies are clearly spelled out expectations for a certain role (a leader) or a job (sales associate). They go far beyond a job description to create a template for ideal performance. This tool can then be used for things such as hiring, day-to-day coaching, training and development and performance reviews. Once individuals know what the expected competencies are, the next question is, How am I doing on them now? Many organizations put the competencies into a format that can be used as a feedback instrument. Then they use it to gather 360 degree feedback. This refers to getting feedback from people all around you; your boss, your peers and your employees. Gathering feedback from other colleagues has many advantages. In addition to his or her managers feedback, it also reveals what peers and employees think. It is more comprehensive and less prone to individual bias, since there are multiple perspectives. For example, a manager, who may have thought that his boss was just being picky about his communication skills, will begin to take it seriously when everyone around him is also suggesting that he needs improvement in that area. But there are pitfalls to avoid when setting up competencies and a feedback system like this. If it isnt done well, the damage control will overshadow any good that may have come from it. Here are some things to consider:  · Create a participatory process, where representatives help to establish the competencies and how they will be used. If this process is done to them, rather than by giving them some control, there will be more resistance during implementation.  · Make the competencies as specific to the job as possible. The more generic they are the less effective they will be. In addition, it is key to word the competencies in behavioral language, so everyone knows what the competency means. For example, instead of Effective sales skills, include some behaviors, such as, Builds trust through accountability, honesty and follow-though, or Looks for additional ways to help clients solve their business problem before, during and after the sale, or Makes realistic commitments for themselves and the team, and does what it takes to keep those commitments.  · Use the feedback for coaching and development rather than a for a performance review or to weed out ineffective managers. Although it can eventually be folded into the performance review process, it creates less defensiveness if people have a chance to work on their skill gaps before they are evaluated on them. It isnt fair to surprise employees with a performance review on expectations they havent seen before.  · No matter how open the culture is, people are reluctant to be honest unless they can give feedback anonymously. Later, if managers are genuinely willing to discuss their feedback openly, individuals will come forward with their personal feedback and advice. Initially, each manager should collect data from a minimum of three or more peers and three or more employees so that confidentiality is preserved.  · Time and trouble can be avoided by using an experienced third party to guide the group and to independently gather and tabulate the feedback for each manager. When we help organizations with this process, we find that people are more willing to be honest when they know that a neutral party is doing the tabulation and individual feedback reports.  · Give the data and any summary report back to the manager, not to their boss. Hold managers accountable for creating an action plan that they will co-develop with their manager. The plan should include how they plan to leverage their top strengths and how they plan to improve their weaker areas. The plan should also include how the boss can help with that development.  · An overall report on the organizations strengths and development needs can be used to determine what the training priorities are, what should be included in a core curriculum and where training dollars should be spent.  · An independent third party can provide help to a manager who is struggling with his/her feedback and what to do about it. If they are unfavorably surprised by what their peers or employees think, they will probably appreciate guidance in how to approach their colleagues for more clarity.  · Managers should meet with their manager at least once a year to go over their action plan and discuss progress. The best career development happens on the job, so its important that manager play an active role by coaching their employee, giving them new and challenging assignments that will play to their strengths and develop weaker areas. Companies are realizing that more sophisticated performance management has a bottom -line pay off and individuals are demanding more coaching and development on the job. Systems like these can be a win/win for everyone. Outcome 2 Personal Skills Audit Task 3 Provide evidence of the various personal skills audits carried out as an aid to understanding where you stand with regards to achieving the objective of becoming a more effective manager. These to include the obligatory analyses of the personal learning style and skills audit. Choose from the strengths and weaknesses these reveal, samples that will affect the development of the 4 skills from outcome 1 (1.2a). SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT Good Time Management is an essential quality for anyone who needs to work efficiently and effectively in an everyday working environment. It is essential if you are to achieve the organizations objectives and indeed the individuals personal objectives. There are many techniques which, when combined, give an individual (or team) the skills required to time manage the task effectively. In a nutshell, time management is all about making the most efficient and effective use of your time. Some examples of these skills and techniques are as follows: a. Planning and Organization b. Prioritizing c. Delegating d. Review and Monitoring PLANNING AND ORGANISATION Information/Anticipation: Successful planning requires accurate information from which decisions are eventually made. This accurate information is crucial if these decisions are to be well judged and implemented successfully. An element of anticipation is also a bonus if you are able to best guess a possible arising which may influence your decision. Flexibility: The planning must also be flexible as not all plans are set in concrete Circumstances change and the overall plan must remain flexible and capable of change as the situation determines. Sufficient time spent planning can greatly reduce the overall time taken to complete an activity and should always consider all factors which may have an influence on the tasks final outcome. By giving the objective the correct amount of time in the planning phase, and by factoring in any events which could (if not considered) destroy or devalue the overall outcome of the task. Goal Setting: By ensuring clear goals are set from the outset, and by keeping a constant review of the tasks progress, a successful outcome should ensue when coupled with other skills and techniques in successful time management. Planning should be considered not just in the short term for each single objective but also include daily, weekly and long term planning. PRIORTISING As suggested, planning alone will not necessarily ensure successful objectives are met. Allocated time must also be prioritized in a manner that focuses on the goals set during the planning phase. Many people often spend their day in a frenzy of activity but because they are prioritizing their time correctly, they achieve a lot less output. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS REQUIRED TO MANAGE EFFECTIVELY ATTRIBUTES OF A MANAGER To manage effectively, an individual requires many skills and various personal qualities to enable the successful completion of his, or her, objectives. The skills and qualities combine to shape the management style of the individual and the style can directly affect the final outcome of the task completion. These attributes could be broken into four main headings as follows: Proficiency Technical Competence Social and Human skills Conceptual Ability Within each of the above headings there are many sub groups which all combine to give the individual manager his unique style of management which can, or may not be, particularly effective. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES Communication: Managing well requires sound communication skills above all else. No manager can relay their planning and intentions without this basic skill. It is vital that communication, by whatever means, relays the information to the staff and that more importantly, the information is understood and deliverable. Two way communication is essential, everyone will have some part to play in the exchange of information and the communication process. Planning: Sound planning ensures the objectives are met and met within the framework of the organizations structure. Effective planning at the outset will ensure there is a realistic chance of completion in line with the goals set. Knowledge and Information gathering: Planning without the necessary information will very often prove unsuccessful. It is vital that the information is gathered and the plan drawn up based on this information. Accurate information is essential if the plan is to prove a success. Problem solving/decision making: As with any plan there are nearly always options and many ways to skin a cat This will involve decision making and problem solving which the manager can make more effectively if the correct information is in place and the correct people in the team consulted. Time prioritizing: Good time management is vital, without it the manager will become less and less effective as his or her time will be spent less and less productively. The art of successful time management is one which all successful managers must master. Training and Development: The workforce can only be as good as they training they receive and the same applies to management. Personal development and training aimed at improving managerial technique should always be encouraged. Review and Monitor: As with all managed tasks, the monitoring and review of the progress and outcome is essential if lessons are to be learned and improved techniques are to be developed. The process on review should encourage an exchange of information of all those personnel involved and sound two-way communication is essential. Goal Setting: The planning and information gathering stage will provide sufficient knowledge for a manager to set some targets and goals. If this information is accurate and the manager skilled in making judgment, a realistic goal can be set with achievable outcomes in the time given. Interpersonal Skills: The ability of the manager to relate to his staff is vital. It is this communication and personal skill which will persuade the staff member to perform for his manager, that feeling of inclusion and a belonging which the manager relays to his staff member. The successful manager needs to be caring, companionate, and where possible remain calm under a crisis. Listening skills are also essential as are negotiating skills. A good team player normally combines most of these interpersonal skills and uses them to good effect in everyday management. 3. PERSONAL SKILLS AUDIT AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TABLE 1:- PERSONAL SKILLS AUDIT Skills Examples and evidence Score 1 5 (5 highest) Communication and Literacy skills Good use of written English gained from producing engineering assignments and written formal management reports during my seven years in the Aeronautical Research and Development. department at Bae Systems. Oral presentation skills adequate and improving. Many chances to practice them in seminars and presentations. Prefer making individual presentations to group presentations as then I am more in control of the structure and flow etc. In future I intend practicing any presentation that I have to give in front of a small audience of friends a few times in order to check that it has good content, structure and timing. I am also developing communication skills in a work context. Clear communication between myself and my sub contractors and boss is important. Also, am developing good interpersonal and communication skills in my contact with colleagues at work as well as in my dealings with customers. 4 Group Interpersonal Skills Working with others I have plenty of experience of working as part of a team and being an effective member of a group. This began with sport at school and continued throughout my 27 years in the armed forces where teamwork is essential and vital in certain situations. My current employment offers frequent opportunity to take part in group work as part of the weekly team planning and reporting meetings. I always try to make a positive contribution as my final decision on the outcome of the discussions will decide if the objectives are met, or not. At work, I play the lead role in decision making but consult all my team members on a democratic basis.. This ensures all the team members have a valued input and builds a healthy team ethos. I think that I am quite good at welcoming new employees and helping people to fit in and adjust to the pattern of work. I want to improve my leadership skills further through courses targeted in this area and by continuing to plan and organize team events and expeditions. 4 Organization Personal Skills Independent Learning and Working I am self-motivated as long as the task is interesting and holds my attention. The freedom to make decisions free from senior managers input helps greatly and means I can plan and schedule the work as I choose. Although I feel my Time Management is quite strong, I aim to improve my time management strategies regarding the meeting of programme deadlines for the customer. I currently hold three levels of Sports coaching award and coach Tennis at several different locations. This requires commitment and dedication as the lessons are not always charged for. I have had a number of jobs in the past two years and have been lucky in that I have had to take the responsibility and act on my own initiative in each of the roles. 3 Research Problem Solving Skills I try to view problems as challenges rather than major obstacles. I think that I am systematic and logical when it comes to thinking about problems and their solution. I have developed these skills both as an individual and as part of working in groups where the group task which we are set is frequently of a problem-solving nature, have also gained a good grasp of the processes which one needs to go through to solve problems i.e. problem definition, generating alternative solutions, selection of most appropriate response and the eventual implementation of a carefully-considered solution. 4 ICT Skills I started developing computer skills when I entered into the Research and Development department 9 years ago. I have since carried out the European Computer Driving Licence and work regularly with all MS Office products. I also use MS Project for my planning and scheduling of works but am without formal training on this software. I would like to spend some time on a placement course to improve my skills on this product. I am confident using e-mail and use it on a daily basis both to communicate with my clients, customers and sub-contractors. I also use email a great deal at home to keep in touch with my friends and family. I use the internet for research as well as online banking and booking holidays, reservations, flowers and shopping etc. 4 Application of Numerical Techniques Good basic grounding in maths skills including graphs/charts GCSE grade A and BTEC mechanical engineering. I have good skills at mental arithmetic which is vital for fast track quotations for the customer during unforeseen work and additional items not scheduled. 4 Outcome 3 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Task 4 Provide a personal development plan- see format supplied by Edexcel showing how you intend to use the knowledge from outcomes 1 and 2 to further enhance or develop the skills you need to improve your managerial effectiveness. This to include a statement of objectives (SMART) and a SWOT analysis.(1.3a) DELEGATION Another important technique of successful time management is the ability to delegate work effectively. Delegation, used wisely, is an essential tool of the successful manager. It can free valuable time to enable the manager to target his or her time more effectively and thereby increasing the chances of a successful outcome. Delegation should be applied using the S.M.A.R.T. principles and not over ambitious. Where: S à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Specific M à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Measurable A à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Achievable R à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Realistic T à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Time The delegation should achieve the desired results through a clear, concise brief which should match the authority and responsibility of the individual and should be used consistently and through the management/staff chain as required. Another positive outcome of successful delegation include improved flexibility within the team, upskilling, increase in morale and motivation, reduced sick leave and a improved team environment where team members feel more informed and inclusive. Task 5 Provide evidence of the monitoring and feedback undertaken where relevant and any adjustments made to the plan so that